Our company’s top-management took part in a specialized international exhibition on energy – Terra Tec , which was held from 8 to 11 March 2005 in Leipzig ( Germany ). Approximately 700 companies participated in the event. An exhibition of such significance is organized once in two years and enjoys enormous popularity in EU countries. The main topics of the exhibition were as follows: water supply, wastewater treatment techniques, garbage processing, oil residue disposal, environmental protection.
This was an excellent opportunity for our specialists to get acquainted with the latest technologies in the sphere of oil residue processing and disposal, as well as to present their own solutions at Terra Tec. «CORVUS Company» was the only company from post-Soviet countries, whose stand was represented at this exhibition, which was the reason for the genuine interest shown towards us by the administrators and numerous guests of the exhibition. Our stand was visited by the representatives of the Republic of Latvia Ministry of Environmental Protection, members of the delegation from the European Parliament, as well as by the special correspondent of Terra Tec. The four eventful days brought some results – business contacts with new partners have been established, the sales market has been expanded. Our company’s stand was also awarded an honorary diploma.
Establishing business contacts
Specialized vehicles |
08.03.2005 Leipzig, Germany
«Terra Tec»