15.11.2005 Moscow, Russia

Oils and Lubricants 2005

After the forum, from 15 November to 18 November 2005, in Moscow, in the Pavilion 69 of the All-Russia Exhibition Center the III International exhibition Oils and Lubricants 2005 was opened, attracting special attention of CORVUS COMPANY management.

Among the items represented at the exhibition Oils and Lubricants 2005 we would like to highlight the following ones: oils, lubricants and specialized coolants for machine-tool industry, machine-building industry, metallurgical industry, motor-car construction industry, petrochemical industry, aircraft-building industry, shipbuilding and other industries, as well as for car service centers. The Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation has recognized the exhibition Oils and Lubricants 2005 as the principal event in the industry sector.


During the exhibition Oils and Lubricants 2005, the top-management of CORVUS COMPANY familiarized themselves with the latest technological developments in the sphere of oil production and exchanged best practices with colleagues from other countries at the theoretical and practical conferences and workshops organized in the framework of the exhibition. One of the main issues that CORVUS COMPANY offered for discussion at these events was the issue of processing and utilization of used oils. Given that lubricating oils, having been used, acquire the status of hazardous waste, which certainly is a source of concern for oil manufacturers, as well as taking account of the lack of experience of Russian manufacturers in this sphere, the specialists of CORVUS COMPANY, building upon their own experience, have offered our Russian partners the services of CORVUS COMPANY that would help them set up the core operation mechanism for their used oil management complex. The purpose of such complexes is to reduce environmental pollution, and, as we have already mentioned before, such complexes include not only the collection, storage, processing and utilization of used oils, but also provide innovative solutions for ecological problems, which inevitably occur in the course of realization of the main activities of the complex.

Implementation of modern environmental protection technologies and solutions for ecological problems related to the production and utilization of oils has attracted increased interest on the part of our Russian colleagues.