Treatment plants

Construction of large port terminals, oil terminals, hubs and production facilities today requires consideration constantly increasing requirements of environmental protection aimed to reduce harmful impact to a minimum. Moreover, environmental safety in accordance with international regulative documents always needs to be ensured.

So, in accordance with provisions of MARPOL 73/78, HELCOM and other conventions, member states are obliged to ensure in ports sewage disposal plants for processing ship waste waters contaminated with oil products, as well as to develop and apply unified requirements for acceptance of marine waste.

Therefore construction and utilization of sewage disposal plants in ports for solving issues related to acceptance, processing and disposal of marine waste requires participation of a company experienced in implementation and performance of such kind of works.

CORVUS Company works in field of design, construction and utilization of sewage disposal plants intended for processing of oil-contaminated water, has professional experience in several ports of Baltic sea, such as Free port of Riga, Free port of Ventspils, Port of Liepaya, Port of Klaipeda and many others. During the work in this field the company accumulated rich experience in collection, processing and disposal of oil waste and oil-contaminated waters.

In close cooperation with leading European companies in field of cleaning port water areas from oil products, recovery of oil-contaminated territories, CORVUS Company uses the most advanced developments allowing to maintain and continuously improve high level of technological schemes of oil-contaminated waste processing.

Company’s work is based upon environmental issues management system ISO 14001:2004.

Company’s professionals ensure design and construction of sewage disposal plants intended for processing of oil-contaminated waters.

We have developed a technological scheme of waste waters cleaning from oil products complying to physical and chemical methods of technologies applied worldwide.
In accordance with this the project provides cleaning of incoming contaminated oil products with detention, flotation and pressurized filtration by a continuous scheme.
With purpose of obtaining best results, company is engaged in technical cooperation with leading European companies: REDOX water technology and Holland Novochem bv (Netherlands); Westfalia Separator (Germany); Alfa-Laval (Sweden), as well as scientists of Riga Technical University.
Company performs recovery and modernization of sewage disposal plants for oil-contaminated waters. Company professionals ensure training of staff at disposal plants, service and warranty service of disposal plants.