26.09.2008 Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg, Germany «SMM 2008»
Managers of the marine transport service department and innovations department have visited the Shipbuilding Machinery & Marine Technology International Trade Fair.

29.05.2008 Jönköping, Sweden
10.05.2008 Munich, Germany
«IFAT is an international exhibition dedicated to environmental protection and waste disposal»
IFAT exhibition took place in Munich, Germany, from May 05 till May 09, 2008. IFAT is an international exhibition dedicated to environmental protection and waste disposal. It has more than 40 years of history and is arranged every three years. The exhibition has involved 2 223 participants from 36 countries. Its has presented the newest trends and innovations in field of drainage systems, waste disposal and waste recycling. A special attention has been drawn to hazardous waste disposal and processing with further recovery.
Members of CORVUS Company management have attended the exhibition following an invitation received from German partners, that have been representing their company’s stand with recent developments and extended service in hydrocarbon waste disposal.
The exhibition included a symposium dedicated to water processing issues, sewage processing and waste disposal, and a workshop session. The director of hazardous waste department Dan Dedovitch has presented a report at a workshop of waste disposal problems. The subject of the report was implementation of modern waste oil processing technologies with further power production. Besides, a special attention has been devoted to power production from waste, being a meaningful issue for our company.

During meetings and negotiations with representatives of European companies we have reached several agreements about cooperation in field of hydrocarbon waste processing and recycling, and discussed issues of new projects preparation at the territory of European Union.
2008 April
A Spanish company „IBERDROLA INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. FILIALE LATVIJA” has won a tender announced by state joint-stock company LATVENERGO for a reconstruction of a thermal power station TEC-2 in Riga region, and maintenance of power block of TEC-2 for a 12 years term. This is one of the projects with the greatest scale in Latvia.
CORVUS Company by virtue of a contract also has taken part in a project. Our company has performed removal of hazardous emulsion from containers located beside the power block of a thermal power station TEC-2. They have been filled with emulsion contaminated with chemicals after cleansing the equipment of the power block.

We have performed an intensive work, and rescue service of CORVUS Company has been working day and night. Pumping the emulsion contaminated with chemicals have been performed using special vehicles and equipment in accordance with requirements of ADR and ISO14001 procedure.

Waste has been transported to waste treatment plant of VAS „LATVENERGO” for further utilization.
20.02.2008 We’ve received a certificate
On February 20, 2008 «CORVUS Company» has received a certificate No. 20983-2008-AE-FIN-FINAS, corresponding to ecological management system ISO 14001:2004 standard. The conformity certification has been issued by an international certificating organization Det Norske Veritas.
Specialists from Det Norske Veritas have highlighted the following strengths of «CORVUS Company» management system: responsibility of managing persons, management system efficiency, products distribution planning, continuous improvement, monitoring and assessment of processes and ecological impacts, risk management measures, in-house auditing, competence, staff training and knowledge, emergency readiness planning, software implementation in management system, infrastructure and production environment.
Certificate ISO 14001:2004 approves that our ecological management system at an enterprise has been assessed and conforms to the standard.
03.01.2008 We’ve received a patent
On January 3, 2008 we’ve received a patent of the Germany for a „Device – mixer-disperser”. This innovation relates to mechanic engineering, mainly energetic and chemical for environment protection and may be used in food industry. The main task of the innovation is increasing quality of mixed media and power consumption decreasing.