«CORVUS Company» отмечает 15 лет со дня основания.
In October 2009 CORVUS Company is celebrating its 15-years anniversary. To this day we are walking up with hopes and ambitions, that are authorized by knowledge and experience gained in the course of the years. Our treasure and the most essential achievement is a spiritually strong, single-minded, goal-oriented and united team, where highly skilled specialists with a great work experience under the belt are its members.
The main aim of our company is environment protection and dynamic struggle for ecology. The main direction of our work is gathering and cleaning of ship ballast and bilge waters polluted with oil products as well as processing and utilization of waste oil products, bilge waters polluted with oil and oil sediments.
The company once and again proved the quality of the performed works and its competitiveness that are authorised by numerous diplomas, letters of award, international quality certificates such as ISO 14001:2004.
But everything started in 1994 year when CORVUS Company was established. In those days the company tried its strengths in all spheres where it was possible to gain any profit and benefit for the further life and development of the new company. One of the directions that the “young businessman” tested himself was supply of vessels and boats with technical equipment. Thanks to that a new business direction was found that became after one of the company’s main activities namely gathering and cleaning of ship ballast and bilge waters polluted with oil products.
In those days the company rent office premises where 2-3 persons worked who were CORVUS heart, soul and brain. Hereafter the company extended the rage of its activities, but the theme remained the same. Special-purpose equipment and transport were taken in rent. On the territory of Bolderaja woodworking enterprise a small “fuel-oil handling system” was rented for the purpose of waste storage and reconstructed into a specialised storage place. All necessary permissions for such difficult and responsible business activity were obtained. This process also asked from the people some efforts.
In the process of CORVUS Company growth and amendment Bolderaja “fuel-oil handling system” became a property of the company and went through a great reconstruction. After that a terminal consisted of a tank farm and the renewed and improved storage place for hazardous waste products were settled on 23 ha of land. The company bought special-purpose equipment and transport too. Now it was using its own technological capabilities.
Now there are no more renting office premises, but there is CORVUS Company office building. And approximately 30 people who are living by the company’s affairs are in the staff. Taking into account the scope of our activities and the growing demands in relation to environmental protection, one of the cornerstone principles of “CORVUS Company” is a continuous improvement of our activities in regards to the surrounding environment – we strive to make the impact of our company on nature as little as possible. All that we managed to reach due to enthusiasm and selfless work.
ПEspecially we are grateful to our clients and partners for your believe in us and for the cooperation that in future will undoubtedly reach new heights. We promise to work on that. CORVUS Company thanks its employees – without YOU we could not reach that we have now and only YOU can implement our common plans and reach intended targets in future. Everything for the company’s prosperity and longevity — that means and for our well-being too.